Welcome to the Ultra Ways Cargo. By continuing to access and use this Website, you agree to these Terms and Conditions and the accompanying Privacy Policy. We reserve the right, at our discretion and without prior notice, to add, change, or remove portions of these Terms and Conditions and/or Privacy Policy at any time by posting on this Website the revised Terms and Conditions and/or Privacy Policy, dated with the most recent revision date. You are responsible for reviewing this policy regularly. Your continuing use of the Ultra Ways Cargoconstitutes acceptance of those changes.
We also reserve the right, at our discretion and without prior notice, to change any information, products, and services contained or referred to on this Website.
Chary Exress Parcel Service. will be referred to as ’CEP’ throughout this Website.
We own the Ultra Ways Cargo. Unless otherwise noted, we own or use by permission all content and software on this Website. Copyright 2008 by Ultra Ways CargoShipping Line All rights reserved. We allow you to access and use this Website according to these Terms and Conditions, but we reserve the right to deny you access to this Website at any time and for any reason.
Your access and use of this Website does not give you intellectual property rights. You may not reproduce content found on this Website in any way for any commercial or public purpose. If you do, Ultra Ways Cargomay take legal action against you.
To use this Website, you must be at least 18 years old; have a legal right to agree to these Terms and Conditions; use this Website only for legitimate quotes, reservations, and/or shipments; and accept financial responsibility for all use of this Website under your name or account. You may not assign, transfer, or sublicense your rights to use this Website.
Given the inherent hazards of electronic communication, this Website may contain inadvertent inaccuracies, typographical errors, delays, and/or omissions. At Ultra Ways Cargodiscretion, we will make corrections as they are found.
While we strive to ensure that the information on this Website is true, correct, and has been obtained from reliable sources, Ultra Ways Cargois not responsible for errors or omissions. All information on this Website is provided ’as is with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Ultra Ways Cargo, its agents, or employees be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information on this Website or for any consequential, special, or similar damages. You agree that Ultra Ways Cargois not responsible if you forward or send or believe that you forwarded or sent an email or form that we do not receive. You also agree that Ultra Ways CargoShipping Line, is not responsible if you make or believe that you made a reservation and/or booking that we do not receive.
You agree to abide by Ultra Ways Cargoterms and conditions of carriage as set forth in the Ultra Ways CargoShipping Line, Memo Tariff, and to pay all amounts when due. You agree to help us maintain the integrity of this Website by not using it for the following: